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Tantra initiation and Sexual healing for men
Through each session, I weave in the fundamentals of Tantra relative to your situation. This is to support you with empowering tools to explore who you are as a man and what is holding you back from living in fullness and maturity in response to your life and those around you.
I support You with standing in your masculinity. This includes understanding and connecting with the feminine principle that is a part of you and which through this awareness, establishes deepened intimacy with self and in turn; women, sexual empowerment, creativity, and confidence in life.
Our “root” area holds all our unconscious beliefs related to our survival … money, home, sex, relationships with others and the world around us, our relationship with “self” and how safe we feel in our skin.
In the area of the root, we call the penis “lingam”. Lingam comes from the beautiful language of Sanskrit, loosely translated it means “wand of light.”
When a man has embraced his lingam as part of his whole being into his life and sex life from an essence of Tantra, it brings forth a richer sensuality to lovemaking and an ability to experience pleasure not only in the genitals but the whole body – to experience a depth of connected touch with himself, others and the world around him.
He owns his manhood in ALL areas of his life.
It is an essential part of a man’s life to experience the capacity of his sexual energy beyond the act of sex and beyond the idea that sex is solely a pleasure based in the area of the genitals. Our sexual energy has such a big part to play in our lives beyond the act of sex. It inspires us, Heals us, and motivates us to take action ~ it is our va va voom for life.
Please note: There is no nudity on my part, nor any sexual activity happening between us> When I work with you and your sexual energy as a Tantric healer, I blindfold you so that you can have your journey inwards through your body where I am simply a catalyst for your sexual healing.
Session work explores the healing of:
Low sex drive
Fear of intimacy/intimacy with self
Fear of being physically, emotionally, or spiritually close to a woman
Fear of expressing one’s feelings or emotions
“Inability” to feel, give or receive love
The inability to feel safe in one’s skin
Lack of trust in relationships
Lack of respect for one’s sexuality; reducing promiscuity
Lack of motivation, inspiration, mojo, and creativity
Lack of self and/or sexual confidence.
Mother Wounds
Ownership of manhood.
Ongoing session work invites you into a relationship with your partner:
An ability to trust
A willingness to be vulnerable
An ability to surrender
A connection of rich depth and unity
Nourishing and satisfying sex for the mind, body & soul
It allows a wide range of orgasms and climax experiences never tasted before. For the man to immerse himself into the personal exploration of his body and masculinity ~ revealing, deepening, and expanding his sensuality and sexuality
Teaches a man how to be with a woman, hear and meet her needs
Teaches a man how to hold a space for his partner.
While Tantric Touch work is part of the session, More importantly, we explore;
- Meditation,
-Breathing practice,
-Intimacy counseling
-Tantric life coaching,
-Trauma release
-Sexual shadow
-Sexual energy-strengthening techniques
-Semen retention
To receive the introductory benefits of your tantric journey, it's essential that you can commit to the initiation package taking place over five sessions. This enables you to fully receive the benefits and teachings of Tantra and its touch work and to immerse yourself in the full potential of your body and masculine maturity.
A “Once off ” experience is all very well and nourishing in its own right but it’s certainly not enough to gain a true picture of the healing power that Tantra has to offer, nor enough to form the foundations for the significant changes in your life that drew you to this website.
"I spent a lot of my life trying to prove my worth
Accolades, goals, the next thing, bigger, better.
Driven by a belief that was how I proved myself as a man.
Coming from feelings of inadequacy.
There was a deep-seeded belief in me,
That to succeed as a man
I had to achieve.
This is a core masculine wound.
It's deeply entrenched in our psyche
Focussed, like an arrow
Prepared to sacrifice my truth
To provide, to prove, to feel
I was enough.
This is deeply associated with the old definition of masculinity.
Man needs to sacrifice himself to prove his worth to the tribe.
Dying in battle, for the collective.
We are dispelling this belief
Collapsing with this dated way of treating man
Realizing that men matter
They don’t need to do anything Or be anyone. Just be
A new definition of masculinity is emerging
The power to stand up,
Live from the core, in our truth Exposing our essence
Only then once we’re relaxed with just being
When the pretended and striving drops
Throwing off the conditioning of thousands of years,
Will we thrive as men, and our true purpose will be felt
In our bodies, bones and balls"
Robbie Griffin
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